About me
Dr. Stan Renard is Associate Dean, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Oklahoma. He is the Director of the Arts Incubation Research Lab (AIR Lab), a National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab. The lab’s research team studies the intersection of the arts, entrepreneurship, and innovation at its incubation stage with a research agenda that intends to understand the economic potential of artists as non-conventional entrepreneurs and the impact of the digital divide upon arts-based entrepreneurs. In addition, he is a touring and recording artist, and the founder and arranger of the Grammy-Nominated Bohemian Quartet. He is the Executive Director of the Monteux School and Music Festival in Hancock, Maine. Dr. Renard holds a Doctorate in Musical Arts (DMA) from the University of Connecticut as well as a Doctorate in International Business (DBA) from Southern New Hampshire University. Previously held collegiate appointments include Colby College, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Providence College, Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern New Hampshire University, the University of California at San Diego, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Renard is a member of the Yamaha Master Educator Collective, Music Business & Entrepreneurship Group.